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Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta

Learning Engineering, Leadership by Sharing

24+ years of experience

JPMorgan Chase Logo

JPMorgan Chase

Visa Logo


Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

My goal is to assist you in defining your career path and excelling in this with a structured roadmap. With 20 years of experience, I will assist in your goals to prepare for system design, leadership, and behavioral interviews, while doing mock exercises. I will be your consistent support system in preparing for interviews, overcoming career challenges, growing in existing job roles, and in overall well-being.
5.0 (4 Reviews)
3280+ Mentoring Mins
30+ Mentees

Mohit Gupta is patiently here my situation and provided me good pointers in the first session only. He has deep experience in the field

Sudesh Mohane

Sudesh Mohane

9 months ago

Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta

Sr Director, Software Engineering

Book a Free Trial: To Plan Your Mentorship with Mohit Gupta

30 mins 1:1 call with the mentor

Trial session with mentor helps you understand the required structure, effort & duration to achieve your personal goals.

Available Dates


20+ years of experience in software development, architecture, and leadership roles. I am experienced in building teams and products from scratch, hence have experienced insight into what it takes to walk that path. I enjoy discussing system design, architecture, leadership, people and behavioral aspects of job roles and interviews. I hired and mentored many teams to architect and deliver innovative platforms and scalable products. With this experience, I will coach you in defining your career path with a structured roadmap and a holistic approach to excel, and to get success in your career. I will be your consistent support system in preparing for interviews, overcoming career challenges, growing in existing job roles, and in overall well-being. For more, refer to my blog at https://matrixexplorer.medium.com/

Find Me Here

Chandigarh, India

Languages That I Speak


Career Journey


Oct, 2023

( 1Y, 5M )

Sr Director, Software Engineering

JPMorgan Chase Logo

JPMorgan Chase

Nov, 2021

Oct, 2016

( 5Y, 2M )

Director Software Engineering

Visa Logo


Sep, 2016

Apr, 2013

( 3Y, 5M )

Lead System Architect

Visa Logo


Apr, 2013

Sep, 2012

( 7M )

Engineering Manager

Citi Bank Logo

Citi Bank

Technical Skills

System Design LogoSystem Design
Distributed Systems LogoDistributed Systems
Leadership & Communication
Micro Service LogoMicro Service
Team Building
Agile LogoAgile
Java LogoJava
Design Patterns LogoDesign Patterns
Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta

Sr Director, Software Engineering

Book a Free Trial: To Plan Your Mentorship with Mohit Gupta

30 mins 1:1 call with the mentor

Trial session with mentor helps you understand the required structure, effort & duration to achieve your personal goals.

Available Dates

Who can join my Long Term Mentorship Program?

All I expect is learning curiosity and sincere efforts. If you bring these, I am sure that you will excel soon in your career and life.

If you're targeting:

Engineering Manager

If you're a:

🚀 Working Professional

How 1:1 Long Term Mentorship Works

Every element of this, including the schedule will be personalised for your learning pace, situation & goals.

A sample week in long-term mentorship with Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta

Mohit Gupta

Learning Engineering, Leadership by Sharing

24+ years of experience

JPMorgan Chase Logo

JPMorgan Chase

Visa Logo


Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

My goal is to assist you in defining your career path and excelling in this with a structured roadmap. With 20 years of experience, I will assist in your goals to prepare for system design, leadership, and behavioral interviews, while doing mock exercises. I will be your consistent support system in preparing for interviews, overcoming career challenges, growing in existing job roles, and in overall well-being.
5.0 (4 Reviews)
3280+ Mentoring Mins
30+ Mentees

1:1 Session with

Let's use this session to solve few problems in Data Structures & find out areas of improvement.


New Tasks added by

Vipul, I have added some videos & problems based on your weaknesses. Try to solve them by weekend.

New Tasks added by

, I am stuck in few concepts.

No worries. Let's connect tonight and fix it.

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Mohit Gupta


Mid-week Followup from

Vipul, I see you are lagging on your tasks. Let's catch up the pace. You can do it💪

Thanks , I will surely complete it.

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Mohit Gupta


New Resource shared by

Vipul, I came across this interesting article. Check it out. It will help you understand things better.

1:1 Adhoc Call

I feel you did amazing over the week. Let me share you the solutions and how can you do better over a quick call.


Mid-week Followup from

I feel super confident about this topic now. I am able to think in a way that I never could before.

Amazing. So happy😄🚀

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Mohit Gupta


Reviews & Testimonials

Mohit Gupta is patiently here my situation and provided me good pointers in the first session only. He has deep experience in the field

Sudesh Mohane

Sudesh Mohane

9 months ago

He heard my various approaches taken by me. Also he understood the core problem I am facing. Very calm and composed person.



11 months ago

Heard me in detailed, have great thoughts. Look forward to meet him again.

Huma Azmath Mohamad

Huma Azmath Mohamad

4 days ago

Feeling optimistic about the progress i can make

Rajeev Kumar

Rajeev Kumar

1 year ago

Book a Free 1:1 Trial: To Plan Your Mentorship with Mohit Gupta

Available Dates


Experienced Professional


Engineering Manager

The Preplaced Promise

Vetted, verified & exclusive Mentors

Choose duration after clicking book button. Monthly or longer subscription. Longer plans have discounts, less hassle. Discuss with mentor for optimal duration.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Get full refund in 7 days if mentorship doesn't help. No questions asked. We'll suggest new mentor. Money protected, proceed worry-free.

Always find the perfect mentor

Confirm mentorship details first. 1:1 trial or dashboard chat to discuss.Website chatbot messenger for other queries. Stay informed before deciding.

Mentor change at zero additional cost

In case you don't gel well with your mentor, you can simply change your mentor. Your money for the remaining days is credited to the new mentor.