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Apurva Jha

Apurva Jha

Lead Software Engineer at Meesho

9+ years of experience

Meesho Logo


Walmart Logo


National Institute of Technology(NIT), Durgapur

With 8 years of intensive experience as a Lead Software Engineer, I specialize in crafting robust backend solutions using Java Spring Boot for microservices architectures. My expertise lies in orchestrating seamless communication between distributed systems, ensuring scalability and reliability are at the heart of every project I undertake. My technical acumen spans across sophisticated Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), designing high-performance distributed systems, and architecting scalable system designs. Technical Skills: Programming Languages: Proficient in Java Frameworks: Expert in Spring Boot; familiar with Hibernate, Micronaut, and Quarkus. Microservices: Design and development of microservices architectures, service discovery, API gateways, and circuit breakers. Databases: Extensive experience with SQL databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra). System Design: Adept at creating high-level system architectures and designing for scalability, fault tolerance, and eventual consistency in distributed systems. Mentorship Philosophy: As a mentor, I believe in a hands-on approach, guiding mentees through real-world scenarios that enhance their understanding of backend systems, data management, and system architecture. I emphasize the importance of not just solving a problem, but doing so with scalability, performance, and maintainability in mind. Offerings as a Mentor: 1:1 Mentorship: Personalized sessions focused on DSA, distributed systems, and system design to elevate your coding and architectural skills. Career Guidance: Advice on career progression in backend development, including navigating complex technical challenges and leadership development. Connect With Me: If you are eager to deepen your expertise in backend development and learn from a seasoned professional, reach out to me. Together, we can unlock new levels of technical prowess and accelerate your journey towards becoming a lead software engineer.
41+ Mentoring Mins


With 8 years of intensive experience as a Lead Software Engineer, I specialize in crafting robust backend solutions using Java Spring Boot for microservices architectures. My expertise lies in orchestrating seamless communication between distributed systems, ensuring scalability and reliability are at the heart of every project I undertake. My technical understanding spans sophisticated Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), designing high-performance distributed systems, and architecting scalable system designs.

Find Me Here

Karnataka, India

Languages That I Speak



Career Journey


Dec, 2021

( 2Y, 9M )

Lead Software Engineer

Meesho Logo


Nov, 2021

Sep, 2019

( 2Y, 2M )

Software Engineer

Walmart Logo


May, 2019

Oct, 2017

( 1Y, 7M )

Sofware Development Engineer

Flipkart Logo


Oct, 2016

Aug, 2015

( 1Y, 2M )

Software Engineer

Oracle Logo


Technical Skills

Distributed Systems LogoDistributed Systems
System Design LogoSystem Design
Java LogoJava
Servers LogoServers
Java Springboot
Cassandra LogoCassandra
Kafka LogoKafka
Redis LogoRedis
Maven LogoMaven
Leadership & Communication
Teamwork LogoTeamwork
Elastic Search LogoElastic Search
Apurva Jha

Apurva Jha

Lead Software Engineer

Book a Free Trial: To Plan Your Mentorship with Apurva Jha

30 mins 1:1 call with the mentor

Trial session with mentor helps you understand the required structure, effort & duration to achieve your personal goals.

Available Dates

Who can join my Long Term Mentorship Program?

As a mentor with extensive experience in the tech industry, my expectations from mentees, whether they are freshers or experienced professionals, are centered around a commitment to growth, open communication, and a proactive attitude. Here's a brief outline of my expectations: Commitment to Learning: I expect mentees to have a genuine desire to learn and grow. You should be willing to invest time and effort into the learning process, engage with the materials provided, and apply the concepts discussed. Proactive Engagement: Take initiative in your own development. Ask questions, seek out additional resources, and take advantage of the opportunities to practice and apply new skills. Openness to Feedback: Be open to receiving feedback and constructive criticism. The ability to listen, reflect, and act on feedback is crucial for personal and professional development. Communication: Maintain open lines of communication. If you’re facing challenges, have questions, or need clarification, I expect you to reach out. Regularly updating me on your progress helps me tailor my support to your needs. Persistence and Resilience: Learning new skills and navigating a career path can be challenging. I expect you to demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and persistence in pursuing your goals. Respect for Time: Value both your time and mine by being punctual for meetings and deadlines. Time management is a key skill in any professional’s toolkit. Collaborative Mindset: Be willing to work collaboratively when necessary, recognizing that while the mentor-mentee relationship is one-on-one, professional growth often involves learning from and contributing to a community. Ethical Integrity: Maintain a high standard of integrity and professionalism in all actions, recognizing the importance of ethical behavior in the workplace. Application of Learning: Actively seek to apply what you’ve learned in practical settings. Theoretical knowledge gains its true value when put into practice. Self-Reflection: Engage in self-reflection to understand your learning style, progress, and areas where you need more support. This will help you take ownership of your learning journey.

If you're targeting:

Backend Developer

If you're a:


🚀 Working Professional

How 1:1 Long Term Mentorship Works

Every element of this, including the schedule will be personalised for your learning pace, situation & goals.

A sample week in long-term mentorship with Apurva Jha

Apurva Jha

Apurva Jha

Lead Software Engineer at Meesho

9+ years of experience

Meesho Logo


Walmart Logo


National Institute of Technology(NIT), Durgapur

With 8 years of intensive experience as a Lead Software Engineer, I specialize in crafting robust backend solutions using Java Spring Boot for microservices architectures. My expertise lies in orchestrating seamless communication between distributed systems, ensuring scalability and reliability are at the heart of every project I undertake. My technical acumen spans across sophisticated Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), designing high-performance distributed systems, and architecting scalable system designs. Technical Skills: Programming Languages: Proficient in Java Frameworks: Expert in Spring Boot; familiar with Hibernate, Micronaut, and Quarkus. Microservices: Design and development of microservices architectures, service discovery, API gateways, and circuit breakers. Databases: Extensive experience with SQL databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra). System Design: Adept at creating high-level system architectures and designing for scalability, fault tolerance, and eventual consistency in distributed systems. Mentorship Philosophy: As a mentor, I believe in a hands-on approach, guiding mentees through real-world scenarios that enhance their understanding of backend systems, data management, and system architecture. I emphasize the importance of not just solving a problem, but doing so with scalability, performance, and maintainability in mind. Offerings as a Mentor: 1:1 Mentorship: Personalized sessions focused on DSA, distributed systems, and system design to elevate your coding and architectural skills. Career Guidance: Advice on career progression in backend development, including navigating complex technical challenges and leadership development. Connect With Me: If you are eager to deepen your expertise in backend development and learn from a seasoned professional, reach out to me. Together, we can unlock new levels of technical prowess and accelerate your journey towards becoming a lead software engineer.
41+ Mentoring Mins

1:1 Session with

Let's use this session to solve few problems in Data Structures & find out areas of improvement.


New Tasks added by

Vipul, I have added some videos & problems based on your weaknesses. Try to solve them by weekend.

New Tasks added by

, I am stuck in few concepts.

No worries. Let's connect tonight and fix it.

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Apurva Jha


Mid-week Followup from

Vipul, I see you are lagging on your tasks. Let's catch up the pace. You can do it💪

Thanks , I will surely complete it.

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Apurva Jha


New Resource shared by

Vipul, I came across this interesting article. Check it out. It will help you understand things better.

1:1 Adhoc Call

I feel you did amazing over the week. Let me share you the solutions and how can you do better over a quick call.


Mid-week Followup from

I feel super confident about this topic now. I am able to think in a way that I never could before.

Amazing. So happy😄🚀

Vipul Bansal

Yes, I got it now.


Rohan Jaiswal



Karthikeyan Vishnu

You made it really simple!



I'll complete these.


Unnat Jain

Thank you



I feel super confident now !



Thanks a lot


Apurva Jha


Plan your Mentorship with
Apurva Jha for FREE.

Mentor Activity

Backend System Design Preparation Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Backend System Design Preparation Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Sat, 6Jan


Read Blog

Book a Free 1:1 Trial: To Plan Your Mentorship with Apurva Jha

Available Dates



Experienced Professional


Backend Developer

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