Crush MAANG Interviews with Microsoft Expert

About the Webinar

​Learn how to Crack FAANG Interviews!

​​What is this Group Mentorship Session about?

​​This group session is all about how you can ace your FAANG interviews or any technical interview. Having cleared FAANG interviews herself, our expert mentor Sakshi Sharma, Software Engineer at Microsoft will provide you the insider tips that you will not find in any book or online resource to crush your interviews. She will share a complete roadmap to follow to crack your FAANG interviews.

​​Key Takeaways from the Session

​Strategies to crack FAANG interviews.

​Technical and Behavioural Concepts to Focus on

​What FAANG companies look for in a candidate

​​Additional benefits:

​​✅ Live Q&A

✅ Exciting Quiz sessions

✅ Recording of the entire Session

✅ Exclusive Discount on all our 1:1 mentorship programs

​​About our Mentor:

​Our mentor Sakshi is a Software Engineer at Microsoft. She has 2+ years of experience in the industry.

​She has mentored 25k+ students through 100+ live webinars, 1:1 sessions, YouTube videos, and other platforms.

​She has expertise in Python, SQL, DSA, HLD, LLD, HTML, APIs, System Design, MERN Stack Development, Distributed systems etc.

​Know more about our mentor-

​​Who should attend this Mentorship Session?

​​- Fresher preparing for product-based companies interviews.

- People who want to switch domains.

- People who are actively appearing for product-based companies interviews.