The Power of Moments: The UX of Peak-End Rule

Our brains don’t remember everything about an experience. Instead, they pay special attention to two things — the most exciting part (the peak) and how it all finishes (the end).



Imagine going on a thrilling ride at an amusement park. You climb to the top, and then whoosh, you zoom down at top speed. That exciting part is the “peak” of the ride. Now think about how the ride finishes — it might be a smooth glide back to where you started or a sudden stop. That ending is the “end” of the experience.

The Peak-End Rule tells us something interesting: our brains don’t remember everything about an experience. Instead, they pay special attention to two things — the most exciting part (the peak) and how it all finishes (the end). These two moments have a big impact on how we feel about the whole experience.

The Peak: The Most Exciting Moment

Let’s talk about the first part of the rule: the peak. Think about a concert where the music is fantastic, and the singer performs an incredible solo. That amazing solo is the “peak” moment, and it’s something you won’t forget.

For websites or apps, it could be when you find something really cool, like a great article or an easy way to use a feature.

Lesson 1: Businesses can make important moments special to leave a strong impression.

The End: How It All Wraps Up

Now, let’s move to the end. Imagine you’ve just finished reading an amazing book, and you come to the last few pages. Those final lines are important because they shape how you remember the whole story.

In the digital world, it’s like when you finish buying something online, and you see a message thanking you for your purchase. That “end” feeling matters a lot.

Lesson 2: Making the end of an experience pleasant can make people remember it fondly.

Real-Life Example: Amazon Prime Video

Think about watching shows on Amazon Prime Video. When one episode ends, they often suggest the next one to keep you hooked. This makes you want to keep watching. It’s a good example of how they use the “end” to keep you engaged.

Putting It All Together

While the peak and end are important, we shouldn’t forget about everything in between. Think of it like your daily commute — it might have boring parts, but your memory mainly focuses on the crazy traffic jam (the peak) and finally getting to work (the end).

Lesson 3: Even though the peak and end matter a lot, the whole experience still counts.

How to Use the Peak-End Rule

So, how can we use this idea in everyday life? It’s about finding chances to create memorable peaks and nice endings, while also making sure the journey is enjoyable.

Remember, the peak and the end are like bookends for our memories. But all the moments in between are important too. By making the best of the peak and end, we can shape how people remember what we do.

In short, the Peak-End Rule is a powerful tool. Whether we’re making websites, creating content, or just living life, understanding and using the magic of the peak and end can make a big difference.

So, as you go through life, think about making your exciting moments even more exciting, making your endings satisfying, and making everything in between as fun as possible. That way, people will remember the good times and smile.

And that’s the story of the Peak-End Rule — an idea that helps us make our memories even better.